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Our Programmes

To add the practical way of learning that is missing from the current education curriculum used in schools; as most of them especially public primary schools are using a theoretical based curriculum which neglects the practicability of the lessons. Our learning approach supports students on understanding the context and science behind a particular phenomenon of the science subjects rather than studying for passing examinations. ProjeKt inspire to adequately prepare teachers with equipped practical knowledge and information regarding STEM to match the current learning demand following a significant growth of technology and industrialization.

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Our STEM Parks

We believe that STEM education forms a foundation for lifelong learning and curiosity, At STEM Park we inspire children and youth to build on their innate desire for answers by exploring STEM activities in a fun, project-based integrated learning. This unleashes the students potential through involving students in integrating their classroom lessons into problem-solving projects as a way of improving the quality of education, and consequently quality of graduates from secondary schools. The goal is to trigger participation of students in the STEM field giving them an opportunity to learn about various career paths and develop interest in the field, triggering their creativity and research skills thus developing a well-rounded education essential to country’s development..

STEM Park Tanga
STEM Park Dar es Salaam